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What readers are saying

  • Anahata Katkin and Juliana Coles are just two of the 12 visionary artists who joined author and creativity coach Sheri Gaynor in the artistic adventures chronicled here as "Twelve Months of Dreams". Sheri cleverly combines a two-fold approach to amping up our own fountains of artistic ingenuity. She includes her personal blog entries and essays written by each artist interspersed with technique sections beginning with building a journal (The Book of Dreams). A few of the techniques covered are using a dremel to create texture on clayboard, image transfer (by Lesley Riley: see Fabulous Fabric Art, also reviewed in this issue), and working with transparencies. Sheri finished the book with a cool, tear-out "Transformation Deck" for you to use in your own adventures in Creative Awakenings or, if you're like me, you'll consider it a source of inspiration and make a fab deck of your own. S. Fishburn
  • All I can say is I need to take a week off of work so I can go through every inch of this delicious book! It is so rich with inspiration, information and transormational possibilities for me! I've never kept an "art journal" before this and it is a true gift for myself. I love learning the techniques all the while feeling myself healing and transforming in ways that I can't put into words. It may have a lot to do with the fact that Sheri is a professional coach and had spent so many years as a therapist... I'm getting a lot for my money here! And, another delightful surprise....she made a deck of cards! I love cards and I love pulling one each day with the perfect support and opportunity to transform whatever issue it represents for me. When I read the meaning of the card in the back of the book, it's uncanny!!!! Meant to be you might say. Well, this is my best and favorite art book. One that I'll always hang on to and return to again and again. Plus, now I have an art journal that is a source of my ongoing expression, joy and healing process! Thank God for Sheri!!!! xoxo! R. S Bright
  • I love this book...as I grow older I desire to make the most of my creative abilities, and like many artists, sometimes lack the drive and focus needed or end up either burned out or discouraged...I absolutely love Sheri's approach as she begins with the difference between a goal and an intention, and was totally surprised to discover the book also contained beautiful mixed media projects and art shared by other well-known artists (Susan Tuttle, Claudine Hellmuth, Jane and Thomas Wynn and others!)...worth every penny!! A.J. Van Hal
  • This is wonderful Art book to help kindle your art fires. For artists starting out to life time artists, Sheri's book stirs your pot of creativity and guides you to bring out your Soul's purpose of creation. Doing the work in your journal, opens so many doors. It's a delicious recipe book for your artistic journey. I highly recommend it. Your art will blossom and your soul soar. What more could you ask for? Linda Drake