Contact: Sheri Gaynor, LCSW, REAT, Transformational Life Coach
Email: [email protected]
Title: Creative Awakenings: Envisioning the life of your dreams through art
Author: Sheri Gaynor
144 pages
Trade Soft Cover
$24.00 U. S.
Published by North Light Books an Imprint of F + W Media, Inc.
Publication date: February 27, 2009
About the Book
Creative Awakenings: Envisioning the life of your dreams through art, takes readers on a transformative, creative personal adventure. For everyone who has ever wanted to create a more rewarding life, fueled by creative intention, Creative Awakenings is a trailblazing road map, a trusted guide, and a tireless cheerleader.
Creative Awakenings follows the lives of 12 nationally known artists over the course of a year, such as Claudine Hellmuth, Lesley Riley, Jane and Thomas Wynn, to name a few. Each committed to engage with the EnVision Art of Intention™ process, created by artist, life coach and psychotherapist, Sheri Gaynor, for one month. During that month, the participating artists were asked to create artwork that expressed their truest intentions. The resulting essays and inspired art projects provide a creative spark to help readers rediscover a more expansive and fulfilling way to live, fueled by creative intention.
About the Author
Artist, author, therapist, coach, and facilitator of women's dreams... Sheri Gaynor lives in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado with her husband and rescue dog Blue. Her company Feisty Females® empowers women to step boldly in the direction of their dreams, through one on one coaching and creativity workshops and retreats.
Victorious in conquering her own early life battles with depression, addiction and paralyzing fear, Sheri became a psychotherapist in 1989, so she could support people in knowing that anything was possible. Following the events of 9-11 Sheri, her husband and their elderly black lab, traveled across America in a 24-foot trailer in search of themselves and healing. This extraordinary experience and propelled her into her own dream of leading women to live authentic lives, through the process of creativity.
Sheri Gaynor is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Registered Expressive Arts Therapist and professional Life Coach. In 1981 she received her Associate of Arts degree from the Art Institute of Ft. Lauderdale, with a major in photography. She received her Masters in Clinical Social Work from Barry University in 1989. Sheri's art has been shown internationally and she has contributed various freelance writings and photographs to such publications as the Miami Herald, the Sun Sentinel, the Florida Post newspapers and the Aspen Times Weekly. Sheri has been leading women to creative success for almost 20 years, offering women, individual transformational coaching, on-going creative expression workshops and retreats.
For more information contact the author at [email protected] or 970-618-056